ABC Social Media Links

Are you looking for our social media links? 

Keep in touch with A Better Calgary Party and interact with our social media posts. Join each of these pages and help our numbers to go up by inviting 20 others to join as well.

Remember that it really does help to make comments on posts that are 4 words long at least, and always repost to your following. Thanks for helping out!



Twitter or X

Instagram  abetteryyc

Blue Sky 



Want to do more? Join the KeyBoard Warriors 


Every Wednesday night at 7:00 pm Kerry George works with A Better Calgary Members to show them how to rock the internet with positive posting and take over the airwaves. Whether you are a seasoned social media guru, or brand new to having a Facebook page you are going to learn a lot and have a good time. Join in for the fun and find out how to:

  • Find the "On Button" and  make it count
  • Create personal profiles that make an impact
  • Grow your following so there is someone to see what you say
  • Make pretty posts that stand out
  • Reshare what others have said
  • Hack the algorithm with four word comments
  • Get 1000 people invited in 5 minutes to the next event
  • Discover the 4 C's of online marketing
  • Become an influencer
  • And a whole lot more!

The next one is on January 1st. Register here 

And every Wednesday after that at 

Put it in your calendar and never miss it again.